February 18, 2003

Countdown: one more day till JJ comes back!!! Yeah!!!

today is the 18th.. what happened today??? ugh.. had som again today til 6.. that was uh fun... hamburgers stupid jokes about that chris kid gets a lil old after saying it for the what.. 100th time?

found out my philo isu outline is not due for another week.. woohoo.. that makes my life just so much easier.. like seriously!!!! suppose to have so much crap to do this weekend... but its all good now..

now all i have to do for the end of the week is finish my cal assignment.. thats hard but not that bad.. and next week... i have a calc test, an in class essay on Hamlet, a Bio Test, a philo isu outline, and 3 performances of SOM....

a lot of stuff next week.. which isn't that good but thats okay.. its this week or next week.. rather next week.. since gonna be stressed anyway.. so mite as well be all in one week...

i just realized.. my march break is purely music and more music crap.. no fun going to mexica or florida or hawaii.. for me.. me going to Ottawa and Halifax.. how much fun is that gonna be.. all you lucky butts get to go to some exotic warm place while i go to freakin ottawa and cold halifax.. NO fair!!!!

but yeah.. i guess thats my life..

yeah.. JJ is coming back.. sorrie just had to say that.. although u hate the name JJ.. hehe.. thats just me!! u know.. glad you coming home!!! can't wait.. *mua mua* missed ya lots!! Wooo hooo..



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