June 17, 2005

looking at everybodys blogs.. i've missed out on so much since coming back to hk..
softball games.. rugby games.. ppl getting married.. ppl hooking up.. breaking up..
i'm so totally clueless now...

thats one of the things i hate about being away during the summers..

but on the other hand.. i luv being away for the summers as well.. somestime its just nice to get away from everything..

its nice coming back to see ppl i dunt normally get to see. like my cousins.. and its nice just getting to hang out with them.. which i've done a lot since coming back..

gone skating with them.. gone to Jungle Gym USA.. went out to lunch and stuff with them.. had a lil jam session with ginnie & erik.. haha.. that was mad fun..

and i cant wait till sunday...

combine my two most favourite things and u get this sunday

1) kids
2) food

haha.. this sunday is fathers day and so its a big family gathering thing.. and so.. all of my "ng" uncles and aunts are going over to my grandfathers.. and we're having a big feast.. haha.. and me n my 2 lil cousins are gonna bake a cake.. haha.. can't wait to see the mess that they end up with.. so gonna be a kodak moment..

and then dinner.. all the "leung" uncles and aunts.. are going over to my grandma's ... and we're gonna have another big feast.. haha.. my family is HUGE on eating.. haha.. i'm in charge of making desserts and i can't wait.. since my other lil cousin is gonna help me.. and thats gonna be interesting...haha

hmm.. coconut pudding.. chocolate cake.. mango pudding.. hmmm.. MOCHI!!!! yum yum


i miss all u ppl back in to .. i miss being a part of all the commotion... :(
hope ur all having fun in to.. and being safe...

don't do anything stupid ppl!

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