November 13, 2005

am i being SELFISH by doing what i want?

decisions are so hard to make sometimes.. especially the most important ones.. i hate the fact that we always have to sacriface one thing or another in order to get through things

in my case..
choosing what i think i should, want to do would result in others being disappointed in me, their feelings hurts, and possibly even to the extent of those ppl never wanting to talk to me or be associated with me ever again

but at the same time if choose not do this.. and instead do what it is they have set out for me.. what they want for me. it only means more misery, more pain, more confusion.. and not even just for the time being or for a little while longer, it will last for a very very long time

and i will prolly feel like i've missed out on something very important in my life.. probably regret that i never did it..

that having been said.. this decision is so hard to make.. i honestly wish life was simple.. things just are either right or wrong.. decisions are clear.. you kno what u need to do.. in my mind i kno what i need to do.. i kno what i want to do.. but at the same time i'm afraid to take that step.. i don't want things b/w me n ppl to be different.. i highly value and treasure the relationships that i have that i don't want to jeopardize them in any way..

if there was ever a "perfect"decision.. a decision that would work for both parties.. where everybody is satisfied.. nobody is unhappy

the decision of me vs. others.

can't i just not choose.. or better yet.. couldn't someone just make the "perfect" decision for me?

Why couldn't life just be simple?

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