November 21, 2005

so despite some minor changes to time n stuff. tiff and chung came to visit me last nite..tiff came bearing gifts too :P

wow.. a VISITOR and gifts!!! definetly made my day!

man i hadn't seen tiff in so long!!!

like may.. i saw her before i left for hk and cause i came back late, i never got to see her before she went back to iowa.. it was great getting to talk to her and chung.. just about anything and everything...
haha about my fishies.. and how they're goign to name their dogs.. puddles and cuddles.. and skewl.. and life.. just good talking

they came in around 7..i cooked.. they ate..i ate

pita chips n cheese n salmon dip
butter & herb infused shrimp
chinese style- curry rice
breaded chicken

and for dessert.. creme brulee.. mmm mmm good.. haha..

had fun taking lots of pictures.. haha despite andy's request not to.. u don't look too tired in the pics chung

had a fun time calling jess on my cell phone.. hehe

and then they left :( had to go home.. but i'm so glad they found time to fit me in :P

thanx so much for coming.. i luv visitors.. u guys made my day.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Anytime Sindy!! Thanks for having us! It made the road trip that much better and it was a restful and nourishing stop. So good to see ya!!!! *HUGS* See ya soon!