December 15, 2005

did i ever mention how much i HATE waking up during the nite.. crying from pain?
today was one of those bad nites.. i went to bed earlier.. hoping to get a good nite's sleep.. and then 4am rolls around.. and i'm awoken because i feel like someone just reached inside my stomach and started to pull it out from my body..

i then decided to do as the doctors say.. and just take my stomach meds.. dosage X2.. and then my ultra strong pain killing medication.. tat didn't help .. and so hence i'm awake at 8am.. finally starting to be able to feel my stomach calm down.. after way too many pills for my own good and eating everything that will help calm a stomach that i had.. including all bread, potatoes, milk, yogurt, and icecream.. and drinking like 10 cups of warm/hot water..

and to end it all.. my week had started off so well.. so happy and excited for christmas.. and just like that.. in the span of a few hours.. all of it disappeared.. i'm no longer excited for christmas.. well i am.. but just 99% less.. my whole attempting to get sleep, so i could attempt to study plan went down the drain.. cuz now if I do fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up till like 3 or 4pm which is just enough time to go to work.. and i'll be so tired and just feeling so shitty after work i wont study.. so that leaves me .. uh..

friday to study for my saturday exam
sat nite/sunday to study for my 2 monday exams.
and monday nite to study for my last final..

then i'm comin home..

despite anybody's thoughts and/or objections.. i am going to be spending the whole entire 22nd at home sleeping and eating good homemade food.. i desperately crave to be taken care off... i misss that.. i miss having my mom making me congee or chinese style macaroni when i'm sick.. i miss it and i'm not ashamed to admit it..

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