July 22, 2006

its been an eventful few weeks...

started to work full time with two jobs..

monday wednesday friday mornings from 9 till 1.. work at mary knolls.. then 2 -7 i work at beacon hills
tuesday thursday saturday.. i work 9-7 at beacon hill.. been so incredibly tired and busy..

been to 2 concerts..

1st was last sunday.. went to see justin lo and ronald cheng.. 903id concert.. a lil disappointed to be honest.. it was suppose to start at 8.. didn't end up starting till like 840 and it was over by 10.. and ronald didn't sing that many of his own songs.. instead he sang some really old 80's songs.. justin was not bad.. but he definetly needs to learn some new moves for when he's singing.. he only knows how to do the "move your hands" and " close your eyes" and "pretend to be all emotional" .. haha..

2nd was just a few hours ago.. netvigator let's MOOV 2006.. it had aaron kwok, denise ho, twins, fong dai tong, stephanie cheng, sun shine boyz, EO2.. pretty good concert.. a lil pissed off tho.. my brother was an ass and took the vip backstage pass and went in by myself and left me and my cousin stranded to leave by ourselves.. urgh.. and then he got to take pics of the celebs backstage and at the afterstage party...i took 300+ pics which i'll upload later .. along with the 903id concert pics

went out for dinner on wednesday @ wasaka in mong kok with some co-workers the other day.. had lots of fun.. drinks.. sushi.. good times.. good times

went out for dinner last night with some friends of last year.. its interesting to see what can happen after a year.. so many things change in ppl's lives..

tommorow.. lunch with grans and family.. hk book fair

aug 1... cousin is having a quick wedding before she leaves for seatle..
aug 4... cousins family wedding dinner.. and then the official dinner april 24th.. hopefully exams start and finish sooner than that.. or i'll miss a fun wedding.


work work work some more.. till the end of august..

3rd concert of the year.. MY FAVOURITE!!!!!! so excited. aug 25/26 LEE HOM!!! live in HK!!!!! yeah YEAH YEAH!!! so far i have row 16, section 58.. which is kinda decent.. but not the best.. i'm waiting till my cousin's can get me better ones.. 300+ pics at a concert with only a few ppl i like.. imagine me at WANG LEE HOM!!!!!! i will have like 8 cameras.. and 20GBS of memory card.. i will be insanely crazy..

check www.bobotheoboe.myphotoalbum.com after toronto monday night.. and you should see over 400 somthin pics of the concert plus lots of other pics from the summer..

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