October 26, 2006

its been quite the eventful week.. fun.. lots of good times..

to explain:

i have a whole week off skewl.. something known as intersession week.. haha.. everybody's jealous.. yes i kno.. and then my work schedule for this week was pretty wicked.. i don't work till friday at 5.. so after being bothered by some ppl in windsor about visiting.. i decided to take a lil road trip..

monday: left newmarket for london with krystle.. left around 430pm.. got into london around 7.. freak snow and rain all the way in.. went to crabby joes with jo, frankie, james, alex, and eric.. pretty good.

tuesday: breakfast at paragon with sam, jo, and godfrey.. m&m meat shops.. grocery shopping. went back to jo's.. napped for an hour.. drove in to windsor. trio outing with eunice and ryan.. a&p grocery shopping.. bulk barn.. eunice napped. ryan studied.. i sat around.. haha .. went out for dinner @ moxies @ devonshire with eunice, kenneth, nelson, norris, wynne, sarah, wait lit, danit.. that was fun. i missed them :P walked around devonshire with eunice, norris, wynne and kenneth.. then drove kenneth back to st.clair.. dairy queen for ms.piggy herself. drove ms.piggy home.. then went to wynne's.. hung out for a while.. went to wai lit's... i luv chatting with him.. haha.. lovely how our convo's are always about his obsession with fob girls.. hahahhahah..
went back to eunice's.. chatted and then slept..

wednesday: woke up around 830.. eunice woke me up.. haha.. cuz she had class.. was bored so surfed the net.. eunice came back early .. class got cancelled.. went to golden griddle for breakfast buffet with her and kenneth.. interesting conversations.. "asians are sex toys." huh wut the hell eunice???? went to best buy/future shop/the source with wynne.. then lunch @ big dicks with the music crew.. wil, graeme, becky, sarah, LL... fun times catching up.. bulk barn with sarah and LL.. back to wynne's.. grocery shopping.. then drive back to London.. got back around 7.. dinner with jo, miriam, nat and sarah @ under the volcano.. cayenne beef.. hmmm.. yumm yummm.. but too acidic.. but so good.. grey's marathon.. yeah .. missed out so many episodes..

thursday: chill in london

friday: drive back out early morning.. nap at home. work at 5..

lots of fun.. yeah.. im glad my week has been eventful :) woo hooo

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