October 05, 2006


today was a pretty awesome day..
woke up early this morning.. had class at 730.. was baking dinner rolls in class..

we had to scale, mix, and prep all the dough.. then roll and shape the dough into various shapes with knots..we did the same thing yesterday.. except with "dead" dough.. and i was so pissed off yesterday.. cuz i've got really really small hands.. that plus rollin dough doesn't go well.. so i was so so so pissed offf.. i wanted to like burn my dough..

today.. after somewhat adjusting my technique.. i manage to shape and bake some decent looking rolls.. i have pics.. which i will post later..

learned an awful lot in class about doughs and breads today..fermentation.. proofing.. retarding..(its not what u think).. effects of too much or too little sugar, or salt in ur dough..etc.. 4 hour class went by pretty good..

then went with chef up to angus glen to do some volunteering work.. we prepped a chocolate truffle mouse, truille crousillant with 3 raspberries and a mint leaf, and decorated with raspberry and milk chocolate sauce.. looked soo soo soo good..

despite having to wait 4 extra hours cuz angus glen was running 4 hours behind.. got to work along side the exec chef of terra.. got to see the exec chef of flow work.. got to see how line cooks work.. pretty awesome.. OMG its so hectic.. i'm definetly glad i chose pastry over culinary.. i don't think i'd survive in there..

got to see what life is actually like out in the real world..
basically.. this one day was wicked!! i luved every second and minute of it..

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