November 12, 2006

if there's one thing i enjoy most about birthday weekends.. being able to eat and drink as much as i want.. without at all feeling bad about it.. hahah..

i definetly ate a good amount this week.. and drank a good amount at that too :) weeeeeee

thursday.. started off with all u can eat korean bbq.

friday.. shopping and random snackage with JJ.. everythign from ice-cream to popcorn, to candy to coffee.. haha.. then k nite.. drinks and food

saturday.. lunch.. made myself a lunch consisting of rockets popsicles.. bacon.. ice cream and cake.. yes sad.. i kno... then HUGE dinner @ flo ... wild mushroom soup, with buffola and tomato crostini, sea bass as main dish.. creme brulee for dinner.. and then yummy yummy bday cake..

sunday.. breakfast with my mom at coras... mmm.. waffles and bacon and eggssss... lunch at baton rouge with fred.. huge huge piece of chicken and veggies.. all u can eat japanese buffet dinner with my parents..

urgh.. i feel so fat and bloated rite now.. soo full :P hahahah

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