March 06, 2007

if there's anything that bugs me the most.. i'd have to say it was ppl's attitude toward so called blue collar jobs.

plumbers, technicians, garbage men, maids, butlers, etc. and most importantly to me chefs.

it reallly pisses me of when ppl just automatically assume that people who have choosen those professions have only done so cuz they can't choose anything else.

i mean.. what's so wrong with all of those jobs that ppl really feel the need to insult us?


a: hey. long time no see.. how have u been?
b: i've been good. what are u up to now?
a: i go to ....... university 4th year.. finishing.... degree. how bout u?
b: oh i go to george brown. i'm studying to be pastry chef.
a: pastry chef? u need to study to be one?
b: yeah. it's quite profesional and challenging.
a: Oh. (stutters for a bit) but anybody can make a cake.
b: its really not that simple.

im seriously just so tired of having to explain myself. so tired of having to defend myself to ppl. don't get me wrong. i love what i'm learning. i love proving ppl wrong about this. i love seeing their faces when i say some hardcore pastry term and they're all confused..

but it still bugs me. i mean you wouldnt go ridiculing a doctor, a teacher, a social worker, a lawyer. so what makes u think u can go ridiculing a plumber, a waiter, a chef?


rrrachel said...

agreed. sometimesi have to remind myself that if God has called me to NOT be a doctor, that doesn't mean i'm worth any less than my friends headed for med school.

hang on to your convictions sindy! there's a lot of ignorance in the world... there's a lot of ignorance in us. it takes time and lovin' to help people learn :) (easier said than done though ;p)

Tau said...

some people are just rude that way. it's always a great moment to stupify people with your expertise when they think it can't be that complicated. but yeah, it must just get really old to have to defend yourself over and over again.

p.s. i am kind of hungry now... i think you should make me platter of pastries!

sindy said...

mike.. u need to come around more often and tell me when u are around.. i'll definetly get a platter of pastries going for ya :)