May 26, 2007

so i've been back in hk for about a month now.. not much has happened.. haven't done anything too excited.. gone shopping.. spent some $... bought some clothes.. bought some shoes .. hung out with some friends.. watched spiderman3. (WASTE OF $$$$$$)

on a good note.. i found an internship spot...

story about that...

i was suppose to intern at this new japanese fusion restaurant in central.. i went to my interview with the exec chef.. and we started talking.. and he was this really really nice british guy.. he started telling me about his experiences in the industry and wut not.. and even tho in the end.. he decided that his soon-to-open restaurant was too busy to have an intern.. he went out of his way to call up a fellow chef friend of his to see if their restaurant was interested.. SO SO SO NICE of him.. and it worked out great..

i now have an internship spot at TRIBUTE.. his friend's restaurant.. its in lower soho.. still central area.... its a small california cuisine restaurant.. opened by a architect..small kitchen staff.. only 5 other guys.. all of whom are really funny and willing to teach :) yeah :) one of them is even kinda cute :P hahahha.. so i'm interning there from now till end of august 3X a week

still gotta find a part time job tho... so broke :( had a few interviews but they weren't quite what i was looking for.. so gotta keep on looking

leaving for a thailand trip in a lil over a week... with my fam and my aunt, uncle n 3 cousins.. haven't travelled with them in like over 10 years.. going to bangkok and river kwai.. :) gonna get a nice tan.. hopefully...excited.. cuz we get to sleep in those river huts at river kwai lodge.. haha :P

not much left to say :P

hope all of you ppl out there are having a good summer.. miss u guys

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