August 29, 2007

its been a really long time since i left toronto.. and i'm really really excited to go back.. 4 days !! WOOOOOHOOOO!!! tho these last 4 months in hk have been loads of fun.. i miss toronto.. and i miss all my friends.. i miss my house.. i miss having my own room and bed :P

but most of all.. i miss the peace and quiet that is CANADA..

i'm so looking forward to taking the TTC and not having some greasy old man breathing down my neck.. looking forward to walking down the streets of T.O and not having ppl bump into me.. or slap me with their bags ..

i'm excited for school.. i can't believe i said that.. i've never been much of the nerdy type.. im excited for classs.. and getting to make more yummi cakes n stuff.. looking forward to being with my fellow chefs.....

but b4 i come back.. still got some stuff to do..

1) finish some last shopping.. contemplating whether to buy a 100GB hard drive for my laptop..
some CD's and DVD's.. some books for my mommie..some tools for skewl

2) dinner and drinks with the co-workers.. desserts with euds..

3) taking my lil cousins out to play one last time before the summer is over

4) meeting up with my ex-aunt and my cousin..

5) trip to stanley with victor

last but not least

6) gotta figure out how to pack all my crap into 2 suitcase.. they've jacked up the prices for an extra suitcase.. friggin $150US .. no way.. i thought about mailing but 30kg will easily cost me like $85CAD..

coming home soon.. yeah!!!

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