April 22, 2005

man.. i never really realized that i missed a lot of things.. well not just things.. events.. places.. people.. sitting here in windsor at 7am on a friday morning.. not having yet gone to bed since thursday at 4pm.. anyhow.. beside the point.. i miss a lot of things...

i miss high skewl.. i kinda somewhat miss going to class.. well at least my high skewl classes..the small classes.. the close knit environment.. all my friends .. the teachers.. sadly i even miss my old school uniform..the old ugly blazer, tie and kilt.. i guess i kinda miss the organization of high skewl.. how everything was so planned out..i miss going to all my classes, then out to lunch with the girls.. and skipping classes.. and going back to skewl just for pratices.. i can't even really remember what my high skewl band and choir pratices were like anymore.. but i guess the thing i miss most of all about high skewl would be being on the basketball and softball teams.. i remember on a beautiful sunny day in april.. i'd be outside in the back field with all my girly girls.. batting it up..doing some good ol'catching and pitchin.. man i really do miss it all.. aaawww.. basketball.. i miss that a lot too.. not just the sport but the whole being on a team environment thing.. i mean.. i miss all the girls.. some of them i'd played with them the whole 4 years.. and one of them for 6 years.. since elementary skewl.. back then.. i guess i just miss getting to play my game with them.. i mean i haven't played softball or basketball in a really long time.. :(

i miss home.. technically i'd only been away from home less than a month.. but the last time i was back.. it wasn't really home.. i miss having my whole family at home.. i miss having a good family dinner.. the last we had a full family dinner.. was in the summer.. when my mom, dad, miranda, ivan and i deleberately set a day aside to go have dinner in hk. i mean we were all so consumed with work and play and wut not.. and since then we haven't had one.. mainly cuz miranda's been in hk ever since and hasn't come back yet..
this year has been so different.. my mom's been gone for most of the past 8 months.. she came back from hk.. then hthe states..then vancouver.. then ottawa.. then panama.. and now hk again.. and without my mom around.. my brother and i dun have much a motivation to go back home to newmarket much.. so even just the 4 of us minus my sister.. we haven't had a family dinner since .. i dun even kno if we had one.. i miss having the whole family around.. i miss living at home with the whole family.. back then.. our house will be really loud.. me n the siblings fighting all the time.. fighting over ever lil possible thing.. whether it be the computer.. or the tv.. or the phone or even just to complain to my mom about each other.. its definetly different now..

i miss a lot of things..

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