May 06, 2005

aah.. been home for a good 3 weeks now.. its been a good 3 weeks i'd say.. a rather bother but good 3 weeks.. i've caught up on all my sleep.. :P which is good.. and i've gotten to hang out with some ppl while i've been home :)

13 days till hk.. and in that time being.. i have a load of stuff to do..

BIGGEST THING- convince my dad about culinary
if convincable.. then gotta figure out some apps stuff.
-shop for work clothes
-shop for gifts for my lil cousins
-softball/basketball/ some sort of exercise
-finish shopping for grad gifts
- get my passport back
-unpack all my stuff from uni..
-pack all my clothes & stuff for hk..

but b4 all that.. i'm really excited for the next two weeks.... lots of fun stuff planned

-tiffs coming home!!! yeah.. girls night out!! jazz club ... desserts & drinks!!! weeee
-bbq!!!!! woohoo i luv bbq!!!!haha
-jam sessions with the maestro.. haha.. when u coming home btw?

so yeah.. i'll miss everybody while i'm in hk.. i guarantee that..

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