July 03, 2005

man this weekend has been and will continue to be awesome!!!!

friday: happy SARS day.. not the sick SARS.. but u kno.


anyhow.. so july 1st.. no one has to work or go to skewl.. so i went out to lunch with my grandmother, aunt janny, uncle philip and my cousin sky.. my other cousin ken had to go sailing..

so anyhow.. after lunch.. we hung out at my grandma's for a while and played with my other cousin hillman..

and then around 3ish.. me and sky left to go to mong kok.. i was meeting up with my ex-aunt... and we walked around new century plaza and bought some stuff.. then we went to this new shopping mall called langham place.. that place is huge.. and has some pretty good stores.. but stuff is a lil pricey.. anyhow.. so we had dinner there @ some cafe called "Suzuki Tokyo Cafe".. and basically that cafe is like a NEO-Japanese and Italian place.. its pretty good.. my cousin, me and my ex-aunt order some pasta.. man one of them was soooo good.. i kinda regret not taking my cam out that day.. it was like a wasabi sauce pasta... it kinda sounds gross.. but man it was good.. and then afterward... we took my cousin to the bus station so he could go home.. and then me and my ex aunt went out for some drinks.. gotta hang out a bit.. talk about some stuff... its so easy to talk to her. shes a social worker..

saturday: didn't do that much for the morning.. or afternoon.. woke up at like 12ish.. went to run some errands for my mom.. and then waited at home while ppl came to deliver stuff to the house... then around 10ish.. me my sister and her bf stephen went to go grab some food.. then we went to watch "war of the worlds" @ UA tai koo shing.. man .. i gotta say.. war of the worlds.. aka wotf.. scared the SHIT outta me.. its a pretty good movie.. but i dun really get the ending.. not to spoil the movie or anything.. the ending.. huh?? organisms ?? WUT?? how the hell does earth's miniscule organisms kill aliens driving robots?? wut?? anyhow.. the grossest thing about the whole movie is the sucking brain thing.. GROSS!!! then afterwards. we went down to Lan Kwai Fong for some drinks.. and so hence i'm writing this at 4AM.. haha

Sunday: gotta go have weekly yum cha with my aunts and uncle and grandparents @ Polytech .. then not much for the rest of the afternoon.. but man the nite is gonna be good.. my cousin's bf.. for some reason has some tix for some charity concert thats going on in wan chai tommorow nite.. well actually tonite.. and the commitee for it managed to snag some pretty good singers..
andy hui.. edmund leung.. so wing hong.. and some china singers.. dun really kno them that well tho.. anyho.. i'm just going for edmund leung.. he's a pretty good singer.. like one of those who can actually sing .. and also writes a lot of his own music.. yeah yeah.. so anyhow.. he(cuz's bf) managed to get 7 tix altogether.. so i'm going with my friend Gordon and 5 of his friends.. yeah how sad is that?? i have no friends..

and then Monday: i officially start work @ my jobs..
i'm working at mary knoll fathers catholic elementary skewl.. something along those lines.. in kownloon tong...my lil cousin goes to skewl there.. my parents, aunts, uncle use to go there.. and my uncle (cousin's father) is on the PTA or something.. so i managed to get a job there teaching their 2wk english playgroup. and my friend felicity from windsor is gonna be teaching there with me too...

i'm also working at some centre in kowloon tong.. when i'm not working at maryknolls i'm working there.. which is like basically Mon, Wed, Fri from 1 til 645 and tues, thurs, sat from 9-645... its gonna be some really longs days!!!!

gonna be some completely tired.. but definetly gonna be worth it.. im so NOT gonna be broke afterwards.. haha

4am.. gotta wake up tommorow at like 11.. need sleep..

sindy out

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