July 20, 2005

so its been a long 4 days.. waking up every morning at 630am.. and then working

monday & wednesday & friday: classes at mary knoll for 4 hours... first class 19 kids, second 11, third 7, and fourth class 23 from grades 2-5.. then i have work at the learning center from 2:30 till 645.. teaching phonics to little kids age 3 to 8

tuesday & thursday: at the learning centre.. classes stark at 9.. teaching phonics for 3 hours.. lunch.. teaching writing & grammar and then more phonics till 645pm

saturday: bible class starts at 9.. then english & music for 3 hours.. then phonics, writing, grammar for another 6 hours.. ending at 645pm..

how much work is that?? tho i'm really not enjoying the incredibly longdays.. but its been fun so far.. the kids are so cute.. :P i'll post pics of them later..

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