July 15, 2005

surprise surprise... sindy is awake and out of the house at 7:52AM!!!!!!

she awoke at 6:30am and took a shower.. and was able to leave the house prior to 7:00am where she diligently slept on the MTR all the way from Tai Koo to Kowloon Tong.

surprised??? haha.. and i woke up by myself too!!

man i'm gonna hate saturdays!!! i gotta work on saturdays from 830AM till round 430.. the stupid thing is.. i live like an hour (at least.. depending on traffic) from work.. so i gotta wake up so early.. urgh .. totally not gonna enjoy it..

on the other hand.. tonite i get to hear the Pearl Delta Chamber Soloists in concert.. itd be a good way to end a very tiring saturday.. anyhow.. i gotta go now.. gotta take the mini green bus up to work...



timmy said...

tell me about your previous post@!!!! what what is sooooooooo exciting?!!?!?! :)

sindy said...

its hard to explain through email or comments.. i'll tell u all about it when i'm back.. :)