November 09, 2005

had the best weekend ever.. it was longer than most.. by like uh.. 3 days :P
but it gave me some much needed fun time.. hanging out with ppl :)

took the 2pm train out to union.. bused up to don mills.. got picked up by tim.. went out to dinner with cy at some viet restaurant at fmp.. had some quality talking :P round 10.. went to mix 2 with bunch of ppl.. to sing k.. me jo gendi tim cora joyce ernest ricky steph and some others.. had some drinks.. sang our hearts out. plain simple fun :) i missed going to K.. hadn't gone in a while.. was out till about 1ish.. then went back to mcbc. saw guy n kenneth.. hung out a lil bit with them n tim.. and then got driven home.. thanx again timmy tums tums for being my chauffeur for the nite :)

had cindy and harley's wedding to go to.. was nice :) got to see gordon.. hadn't seen him since summer.. then wedding dinner @ time's.. got to see some relatives.. n wut not.. ended up seeing on my really old friends at the wedding.. so went out with them after.. got home at 2 am..

woke up nice and early.. 8AM!!!! and only 1 1/2 hrs of sleep :(went to breakfast with jon wong at 830.. was plannin on going to 930 that morning.. but we ended up just sitting there talking till like 1030.. haha.. :P i miss talking to ppl ..went back to mcbc.. went to my aunts to pick up some stuff.. went to jo's. helped her pack a lil.. out to lunch with her parents..left for london around in around 545 6ish.. went straight to jo's house.. change and then go to her friend's turkey the guy who was cookign the dinner Alex.. is a pro chef.. !!!!! so living my life.. and so good at it!!! hmm.. man i kinda wish i wasn't so tired.. i would have ate so much more! frankie ended up being there too.. small world.. jo knows eric through some classes and eric knows frankie.. "Its a small world afterall" haha

haha i slept for so long.. like 12 hours.. then went out to masonville with jo.. walmart.. bunch of different places.. went to dinner with frankie, james, jackie and one of their housemates.. "under the volcano" - a pretty good mexico restaurant.. hung out at their place for a while.. :)
went home.. was planning on going to bed.. but ended up going to mickey d's with jon.. and then to sam's.. planned some ninetendo and game cube.. and some really fun bongo game haha..

slept till like 11ish 12.. haha.. went to see legend of zorro with jo and jon.. JON PICKED A BAD MOVIE!!!!!! picked up miriam and went to jacks for dinner.. haha mad funni story..
jon n miriam are now a one month old is sir rocky..and 2 mins into this new parenthood..jon is screaming for a divorce haha.. so funny
for whole story.. go to jo's blog
went back on campus to pick peter and sam up.. went to demetres.. man i hadn't seen peter wu in sooo long!!!! made rounds.. driving peter and miriam to see ppl's houses..

and thats the end of the weekend :)

long but definetly fun

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