November 03, 2005

Some women don't deserve to be mothers!!!!

i never really thought i'd ever say that.. but today.. man totally changed my opinion...

First.. i had to go to work today.. so i took the bus. and just like every other time.. i'd see kids and parents on the bus.. but today.. there was these 5 ppl... 2 adults.. and 3 kids..2 about ages 3 and 6.. and a lil baby.. maybe a year old.. the 2 adults were i believe mother and daughter.. and the kids were the daughter's.. and man.. i dun like to pre-judge.. or discriminate or anything.. but they looked rather shabby.. in the sense that they were dirty( like not-clean), had drug-shot eyes and were very clothes that looked like they hadnt been cleaned in ages.. and smelled bad.. like garbage bad..

and on the bus.. one of the little girls wanted to stand with her grandmother and her older sister at the front of the bus.. but her mother didn't want her to .. she wanted her to sit at the back.. so she basically pushes her daughter all the way back.. and on the way back.. her daughter falls and hits her head on the floor of the bus b/c she pushed her too hard.. and the mother like picks her up by her jacket with a lot of force.. and drags her to the back of the bus... her daughter is like wailing cuz she's in pain.. and all the mother can do is keep on yelling at her.. telling her to shut up and stop being a cry baby .. the whole entire ride.. 45 mins.. the lil girl is crying.. the mom is yelling and hitting her daughter.. the whole bus is looking.. and finally another lady asks if the girl's ok.. the mom shoots the lady with the meanest eyes ever.. and keeps on yelling at her daughter.. the grandmother is not doing anything..

honestly.. i don't think she deserves to be a mother.. she can't do that to her child..

as much as i believe that every woman's best job in the world is to be a mother.. and that every women should have that opportunity.. i don't think that certain ppl should..

ppl like that mother and grandmother definetly dont.. people who can barely take care of themselves.. ppl who can't stay off drugs n alcohol.. ppl with no respect for others.. ppl with no manners.. they shouldn't be raising kids.. cuz those kids will grow up to be just like them.. and those kids deserve better than that.. those kids should be living ina safe environment where they wont be hit, yelled at, exposed to drugs, sex, alcohol.. they should be living with parents who will teach them right from wrong, teach them manners.. teach them important things.. let them live a happy childhood.. and honestly. if a mother/father cannot do those things.. they don't deserve to be parents.. being parents is a gift.. a gift from God..

either treasure your child.. or it'll backfire on you.. those parents wonder why their kids ended up in juvi, jail, prostitution, theft, crime.. and they get all angry cuz their kids don't respect them, or have no respect for authority.. u kno wut.. u caused it.. ur the reason for all of it.. don't blame on society.. don't blame it on others.. look at the way you raised your kid..

i just had to vent about that.. bothered me the whole entire day.. urgh

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