December 06, 2005

aah.. i finally got the pneumy package.. canada post suxs.. i do hafta say that..

but thanx so much ppl for the package.. greatly appreciated.. made me laugh really hard..

in regards to all the notes..
i really hope thats not what u guys think of me :(

1) i'm very very clean.. i'm spic-and-span as it is already
2) i dun have a uni brow
3)i have a very very clean room.. u can ask andy, or jon wong, or tif!!!!
4)i dun have piles of wax of my shoulders.. .. btw. wouldn't u mean piles of dandruff?? why would anyone have piles of wax on their shoulders??
5)i have LOTS of clean laundry.. not "1 & only 1" so HA!
6)i think i have fresh breath.. i brush and floss!!! so i should have fresh breath .. but then i can't smell my own breath so who knows?


i dun need natural source overnight comfortable laxative relief.. nor do i need antacid for anti-gas...

thanks but no thanx..

but there was one thing i did need!!! luving the kleenex.. definetly do have runny nose goign on rite now :)

in conclusion.. thank u for the package pneumatos:) mad jokes
that model pic was kinda cute lookin

can't wait till xmas.. to share that lovely food with u all.. especially gendi:P u draw funni loooking ppl

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