August 25, 2006

and just like that...
my days in hk are limited..

7 days to be exact..
a week from today.. i will have boarded my plane back to canada..
and my emotions are so mixed rite now
its sad really.. how quickly my summer is ending.. but i'm also glad... that i'm going home..
but yet there's this feeling of uncertainty that i have..

i miss so many things about T.O..

i miss ppl.. i miss my house.. i miss my parents.. i miss having my own room.. my own closet...
i miss all my girls.. all my boys.. i miss getting to hang out with ppl..

2) i'm gonna miss so many things in hk..

i'm gonna miss all of my kids at work.. i'm gonna miss my cousins.. my friends.. i'm gonna miss
hanging out in hk.. i'm gonna miss cheap food, and cheap clothes.. and just everything cheap.

3) i'm looking forward to going back to skewl..getting ready for a brand new start.. new school.. new subject.. new friends.. new everything

4) i don't want to be back in skewl.. after having taking almost 8 months off skewl.. i dun really know how ready i am... i haven't studied.. read textbooks.. written papers.. in so so long.. i really dunt want this new start to start off badly..

but i think.. the worst thing for me.. is this feeling of uncertainty...

its not the first time i've had it.. i actually get it twice a year.. before i leave for hk.. and before i return for the summer..

i'm also so worried about ..

oh.. what did i miss this summer?? i wonder what they did this summer?? did i miss anything really exciting???

do they have new friends now?? do they have friends better than me??

have they realized that i'm easily replaceable???

will things between us still be the same?? despite the 3 months gap????

these are somewhat immature questions to ask.. i kno that.. but i guess.. i just can't help it..

so as i'm spending my last week in hk.. i'm anxiously awaiting the answers to my questions when i return..


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