September 02, 2006

i swear.. i have this huge ass sign on my forehead that says::

Registrar's Office.. Please screw me over!!!

in my 4 years in high skewl, and my 4 year at univefrsity.. not once have i not been screwed over by the registar's office.. and this year ...

it happens too!!!

my mom asked me to print off my shcedule so she'd have an idea of whats going on for the next semes... so i go online .. and i find out that.. the friggin registar's office has switched my program on me.. and that i'm only registerd in 5 out of the 8 courses i'm suppose to be in.. and damn.. its the long weekend now.. and skewl starts on tuesday.. what the hell am i suppose to do?? FrIG

damn.. i swear.. I HATE THE DAMN PPL at all registrar's office...

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