September 04, 2008

i have officially moved to thunder bay.. unpacked and everything..

despite the fact that its so far away from everything i know and everyone i know, its not actually too bad of a place..

its quite peaceful and beautiful here.. i have an awesome view from my room... my housemates are nice..

starting to think my choice to come was good...

evidence of such:

in a span of 4 hours, i managed to gain credit for all my past windsor credits, change majors, and basically complete 1.5 years of university.. HAHA.. sweet....

in the span of a day, i've completely unpacked, got my ISIC card, bus pass, applied for work study, applied for jobs, and started my readings... WT????

yes that is correct.. i've actually broken the book seal and started to read..

maybe, just maybe... i'll go to my first class tommorow :)


rrrachel said...

WHAT, what is the secret to finishing 1.5 years of university in 4 hours? Tell me!! Haha, but I'm glad you got settled in quickly. Keep on blogging and keeping us updated!

sindy said...

the secret.. ?? hmmm.. should i share?? haha..

the secret is to complete credits at a different skewl.. and then them when u get to a new skewl.. haha..