October 06, 2008

having a good prof really means everything. understanding means u don't hate the course as much. which for me means i don't skip class as often. i have realized i am not as dumb as i think i am. a prof that is able to explain things in a efficient and coherent way definitely helps a lot. i understand music theory a lot better this time around.. and as a result, i find myself not as bored in class, not as wanting to skip class.

on the topic of skipping class, to be honest, i'm still finding it hard to get my butt out the door and walk to class. especially when its monday morning, or its a night class. more so when its cold outside.

did i mention that its only like 10 degrees avg up here? complete with harsh winds, it really feels like winter has started up here. the wind up here is like 10-20km/h on a normal day. just this past weekend, it was -4 degrees at like 9am. it was excruciating to have to walk 10 mins to the bus stop, and then again for 10 mins from the bus stop to work.

i don't even want to start imagining what the winter up here will be like. according to the weather network,

january's temperatures range from -20 to -8 with winds of 15km/h and up to an avg of 43cm of snow. i think i might just turn into a snowman. complete with a big furry jacket, furry boots, and big furry hood.

i am definetly looking forward to going home to toronto this weekend, where the forecasted weather is suppose to be 14-19 degrees..

i'm glad to be goin back to toronto. i miss my chinese food.. i miss my sushi.. i miss my calbee potato chips :P there are no good places up here for chinese food, no chinese grocery market :(

only another 40 or so hours to go..

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