November 28, 2008

counting down the days... 25 more days till i'm home and 27 till christmas.....

sadly every time i start counting down, it seems like the days are farther and farther away. there's not much standing in the way of me and those 25 days: simply 2 exams and working. and i really do wish i had decided to go home early instead of picking up extra shifts, but i know its for the best for me to stay up here. this will probably be the first time i'm home for the holidays for such a short period of time. i hope i end up getting to hang out with everybody and see everybody before i come again because the next time i see them again will probably be thanksgiving 2009.

ive kind of got my rest of 2009 planned out already.. its quite busy and if it goes as planned, 2009-2010 will be my last year in canada for a while. i'll be back again in tbay come beginning of january.. school and work till reading week. going to montreal/tremblant. and then back to tbay for school/work and then exams. after exams i'm heading off to hk for the summer.. prolly gonna head straight for tbay after or stay in hk till mid sept, head to nyc for cousin's wedding and then back to tbay.. come christmas, i have no idea where i'll be.. as i will no longer have a home back in toronto. might stay in tbay, maybe go back to hk, might bum @ somebody's in toronto. finish the year and then head off to hong kong for good.. thats the plan at least for now.

a lot of it all rides on what i decide to do about school. i haven't quite decided if i wanna just do a B.Arts or a Hon.B.Arts in Music. i'd be done a whole lot quicker if i just did the B.Arts.. convo june 2010 or Hon.B.Arts in Music.. convo 2011/2012 depending... i don't know if i really wanna a music degree.. geeez here i go again.. i can never seem to decide what to do. irregardless of what degree i chose, i'll end up doing the same thing anyway. so the dilemna is whether i want to do an extra 2-3 yrs of school for a type of degree that i wont necessarily be using anyway, a type of degree that wouldn't particularily benefit or be of any more advantage.

so i don't know. i don't even know why exactly i'm ranting tonight at 1am. perhaps i'm jsut being like always and procastinating. god knows i should be studying for an exam i have on monday or even sleeping instead of bumming around watching tv, movies and surfing the net. oops

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