January 22, 2009

tho not 100% confirmed.. but in my mind i think i've decided. 2010 academic year will be my last in canada. irregardless of the outcome that maybe, the choice is final. i wont be staying here.

as much as i love canada, i just dont see myself living here anymore. from the very first summer i went back to hk, i kinda knew that canada wasnt really the place for me anymore. perhaps it was because i enjoyed working in hong kong, or perhaps it was being able to spend more time with my family, i don't really know the exact trigger but i know its what i need to do. there are so many things with this that are unclear, and undetermined. i have 2 years to figure it out. i do have an idea of what i want.

for me, i think this has been the most determinative decision i've made in years. throughout my life, i've made so many decisions that i've either regreted or change becuase i no longer felt the decision was right. but eventually moving back to hk was something i'd thought about for a number of years. i wasn't sure when exactly i'd move.. or why i'd eventually choose to move back.. but moving back was something i had to do.

2 years seems like such a long time.. yet from another point of view.. an incredibly short amt of time too. there's lots that needs to be done between now and then. i know the next 2 years wont be an easy 2 years for me. but i'll get through it. i'll finish what i need to . and thats all that matter.

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