February 05, 2009


it makes me wonder.. did ppl's parents never teach them to be respectful? did ppl's parents never teach them to be polite? did ppl's parents never teach them not to lie? did they not teach them not to steal?


geez.. seriously.. who dines and dashes anymore??

twice in a week i've seen it..

first on saturday:
these two ppl came in around 1030.. it was ufc fight night, so we were really busy.. they came in. they reaked of pot.. anyhow.. came in. ordered some food.. while waiting for their food.. the two of them were like sleeping in the booths.. completely stoned.. and after they were done.. they walked out.. i noticed that there wasnt a billfold on the table so i went and got their server and manager.. and they went out and chased them down.. got to them. the server asks them. did you guys pay? the guy responds, uh no. wth??? finally after some yelling by my manager and the server.. they're escorted back in, pay their bill and then we escort out.

last nite:
a well dressed, somewhat polite couple come in. ask for a booth. so we get it for them. they order like 6 stella's and pasta. and before we know it, they've ran out the door. didn't even finish their food. their server chases out after them. they speed away in their car, almost running over the server along the way.

like seriously??? whats wrong with ppl nowadays.. what is going through your mind to allow you to think that its possibly ok to not pay for your bill and just leave??

uh hello? its called stealing..

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