February 16, 2009

its good to just be home. altho i'm not gonna be home for too long but its a much needed break from work and school.

i just got in this morning at 8am. ended up having breakie and running errands with my dad till about noon. then went shopping with jo till 5. jap food @ gal with tiff, jo, and jess. then went to watch "confessions of a shopaholic" and chinese dessert.. mmmm how i missed good asian food.

monday: lunch with sam. then possibly hanging out and dinner with dez/krystle
tuesday: possibly going out for a good meatey steak dinner DT with hsieh.
wednesday: eye doc appt..dinner DT with wynne.. and TSO concert afterwards
thursday: gotta clean and sort the crap in my room.. and hopefully an appt with my aunt. definetely am in need of a good chiro adjustment.
friday: 5pm flight to montreal to hang out with my beloved rachel :) and i'm there for the saturday, sunday, and monday
monday 23rd: in montreal till about 7pm.. then flight back to toronto en route to tbay.

and that will be the end of my reading week.. short but sweet hopefully...

then unfortanetly, back to the business of school and work.
more quizzes, book reviews, papers, group assignments, tutorials, then juries and exams. along with working 4-5 shifts a week @ east sides, plus my weekly shift for the city.

busy busy busy. at least i'll have $ for the summer.. i'm so excited for the summer.. i wish it would just hurry up and come. dont have too much planned for the summer yet, but i'm sure it'll be good.

flying back to hk may 20th. and then off to mari, malaysia for some beach fun with my sister. then maybe planning a china weekend trip with my grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousins. along with working in hk somewhere. and junk boat trips, random macau/china trips, shopping, and just getting to be in hk with family and friends :)
should be good.

really oughta head to bed. i've been awake since Saturday 2pm with only 1hr of sleep on the flight since. thats a good 36 hrs awake.. mmm.. 9hrs of continous sleep sounds soo good right now.

nite nite

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