August 23, 2009

i'm excited!!!

i have an exciting couple of weeks coming up :) :)

i'm going home in a little under 10days.. but before then..
monday: work & doing some recording for my work.. then out to dinner w/the co-workers
tuesday: shopping & going to the peak... hanging out with wynne
wednesday: half day of work.. then goign to my gramps to make him a hearty steak dinner
thurday: lunch date w/my aunt @ bo innovation ( 2 star michelin fusion restaurant in hk) SOOOOO looking forward to that. and then KHALIL FONG concert baby!!!!
friday: work. going out to lkf for the last time this summer...
saturday: work. cousin's date night.. out for dinner and to sing k with my beloved cousins
sunday: going to cheung chau
monday: last minute shopping.. possibly a food trip.. havent decided yet.
tuesday: packing packing and more packing.
wed: I"M COMING HOME!!!!!

then i'm home in TO for a couple of days..
which consists mainly of packing the house up, meeting up with friends.. and dinner @ O.NOIR!! toronto's first all dark restaurant.. sweet!!!

then sept 8th. back up to tbay.. chilling & job searching and school for a week.. just get re-settled i guess

sept 15th.. night flight back to T.O.
sept 16th..get to have a whole day with D :) :)
sept 17th. morning flight out to NYC :) :) walk/shop/eat NYC style
sept 18th. more walking/shopping/eating
sept 19th. cousin's wedding and reception :P gonna be so much fun
sept 20th. more walk/shop/eat NYC style.. and family dinner in nyc
sept 21th. morning flight back to tbay..

lots of stuff planned.. i'm excited...

my only dilemna now is, should i save up my $ from working this summer for:

1) Nikon D60 DSLR


2) spending $ in NYC and what not

hmmm.. what to do??

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