August 12, 2009

Despite my better judgement...

i chose to go back to hong kong and work at my old work place from a couple years back. i was promised a better work environment, better work hours... and innocently, i believed....

despite signing a contract to only work 30 hrs a week, i constantly find myself working over 35 hrs a week with no overtime..

office politics suck.. favouritism sucks. working long hours suck. picky parents suck. no overtime sucks. being stressed 24/7 sucks. being sick on my days off sucks..

i haven't been able to do anything this summer cuz every day i have off, i find myself spending it at home resting and sleeping. frig.

don't get me wrong. there are good things about my job. i have some wicked co-workers.. and i luv my kids..

but... i want to go home. i want to see my friends again. i want to actually start school again. and MOST of all.. I WANT TO GO TO NYC!!!

22 more days.. and i'll be home.. the days need to pass by faster

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