February 08, 2003

so yeah... just got back from pittsburgh from my audition at duquesne.. it was pretty cool there. they have a really nice looking campus ..really wanna go there now.. but anyhow.. my audition went alrite.. i sorta screwed up in the handel sonata with some articulation.. fingers and tongue didn't go exactly together.. but hey.. i tried my best and thats all that matters.. also had to do some theory test.. didn't do that good.. i totally forgot how to do augmented and diminished triads.. i forget whether its +3, then -5 of +3, then *5.. can't remember. oh well.. oh i also had this musicianship test thingy.. listen to triads.. clap stuff back.. you know that sorta stuff.. it was alrite.. did most of it pretty well.. the test guy was like uh huh.. good... so yeah... i sorta screwd up a lil of harmonic triads.. the ones where they play the two notes together.. and ask you to sing the two notes back.. ha.. screwd up on tha big time... but pittsburgh was a pretty nice city and all... not that big.. but thats a good thing..

now i'm down to 7 more universitites to go:
1)U of Windsor
2)Wilfred Laurier
3)U. Western Ontario
4)Acadia University
5)Queen's University
6)McMaster University
7)Carleton University....

once all of those are done.. then i'm done forever woohoo!!!! hehe.. thanx to everyone who said good luck.. \
* all you bois and gals from cds*
luv ya lots.. for all the encouragement....
*all you bois and gals from mcbc*
thanx tooo for the encouragment...

it was hard to do and i'm glad i've gotten thru one.. so now just need to pratice more for the next 7 and i'll be done.. yeah!!!

well.. tommorow.. is sound of music day.. oh yeah!!!! *saracasm* haa haa.. stuck there for 7 hours.. 9-4.. i'm gonna die!! i swear to god... i have a calc assignment i haven't even started yet.. and i have a philosophy isu conference next week as well as i think.. a bio test.. i dun even really know.. i'll have to ask somebody tommorow...

i guess that really is all for the nite.. its late.. i need to get my beauty sleep.. ha.. chilz.. l8tes

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