February 09, 2003

so yeah todays sunday.. sorta felt a lil alone.. with all the mcbc'ers gone... boo hoo... i totally forgot they were gone fo the weekend untill i called one of my friends.. and here lil sis.. was like.. they're at retreat... haa... totally forgot.. spent most of the weekend by myself oh well.. thats oka...schools starting again tommorow.. boo hooo :(

i have an isu conference, a bio isu, and two tests this week: music on wednesday and bio on i think thursday.. ugh.. i dunno even know what we're learning in bio.. i hvaen't been in that class for so long.. hehe
so this week is gonna be nice and busy...

things i have to do this week:
1)finish my bio isu
2)start my calc assignment part 2
3)study for bio test
4)pratice the bobo
5)pratice the piano.. ha.. haven't done that in a while..need to pratice for my gr.10
6)start my philosophy isu essay..
7)fix my website.. it sux like crap rite now.. haven't updated it since like june..if u wanna see.. www.bobotheoboe.friendpages.com

i think thats it.. hehe..

oh.. and Happy Early Valentines everybody!!!!

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