March 20, 2009

slowly but surely counting down... oh i wish i could just hurry up and be done with all the school and work.. so i can hop on a plane and be in toronto.. hop on a plane and be back in hk with the fam and friends.. hop on a plane and be suntanning/diving/relaxing in malaysia

counting down. the days need to come quicker

10 more days till my last assignment is due
27 days till last day of work @ ESM
28 days till first day of exams
31 days till done ALL exams
32 days till i fly back to toronto
60 days till i fly back to hong kong
67 days till i fly to miri malaysia
72 days till i'm back in hk for the summer

its hard to concentrate on life when i'm sick, when i'm tired. when im just blah. after a certain amt of work and school, life just gets very predictable and annoying. don't get me wrong. life is good. i'm ok with how things are now, but its still very blah.

its good to just have something exciting and fun to look forward. and for me, it's definetly a 5 day trip to malaysia with my sister, and being back in hk for the summer with the fam and just getting to teach in hk again. i'm very excited for it.

67 days is too far away.. oh i wish it could come sooner.. please please please. i don't think i can stay sane for that long

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