April 21, 2009

its been a month since my last post.. and so much has happened in a month.. some good.. some bad... i've learned a good amount about myself in the last month.

i've learned that:
- if i put my heart into it, i can actually do well in things i thought i couldn't
- i fall in love too easily.. and at the same time, i fall out of love too easily
- i'm not ready for the complications of love
- i'm not as grown up as i thought. despite my age

on a less serious note. i've learned that:
- tbay isnt that bad of a uni town
- despite the bad hours and not so great pay. working at east sides is great. im actually really enjoying it. so much that i'm gonna return there in september :)
- i'm starting to like tbay despite all the odds

in the last month i've come to some realizations:
- i'm not ready for a complicated relationship. im not sure i'm even ready for any relationship at this time. i thought i was but the truth is, life is complicated enough with just me. i don't think i can deal with more than just me right now. let alone another person and the baggages that come with.
- i'm glad i made the decision to come here. i'm liking all the ppl ive met. i'm actually looking forward to coming back
- i'm not as ready to move back to hk as i thought. dont get me wrong. i'm still gonna move back. it just might be a harder move than i thought. im not ready to miss out all life in canada. im not ready to miss out on the lives of all my friends. i don't wanna lose them. i don't wanna lose friendships. i dont wanna lose out.

i've had a lot of free time to contemplate lately hence all the sudden thoughts..i'm done exams. i'm done work. i'm heading home to toronto in like 25 hrs. starting my summer school courses in like 2 weeks.. then off to hk in 3 weeks. miri malaysi in 4 weeks.. which i'm super excited for. and then starting my teaching job in like june. this summer will be harder and longer than all the past. i've never done summer school. period. never ever. not even in high school. i'm not sure what to expect. and not sure how to deal with having to work 5 - 6 days a week.. and taking 3 summer courses on top of that. oh well. i guess its time to finally put the whole time managment stuff into use

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