February 12, 2003

aah.. i just typed in a lot of stuff.. and ithe stupid page reloaded on itself.. now i have to retype everything... anyway.. what was i saying??

oh yeah.. this whole isu thing with doc is just stupid.. she wasn't clear with the instructions in the first place.. i dun see how its even cheating... we've always been allowed to look at coles notes and spark notes.. we did it with nug and wyndham.. so why can't we now???and this year is not a good time to be screwing us over... we need these damn marks!!!!!! i feel so bad for everything who got a bad mark b/c of that.. i hope i didn't.. i still haven't been in a eng class.. so i dunno yet.. *cross my fingers*

oh and yeah.. i'm glad all you mcbc'ers had fun at retreat.. while leaving me behind on sunday.. i went and sat all by myself... i felt like such a loser... thanks y'all...

valentines day is coming up .. real soon.. 2 days to be exact.. wish i had someone there with me that day.. boo hoo.. really sux when no one there to celebrate it with u.. really it does..

anyone.. heard the funniest thing.. one of my friends told me this..

and i Quote

" young men r satan'z messengerz! "

thought i'd just leave u with that...

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