February 13, 2003

ok.. i've been working on this template all day.. and i couldn't get it quite rite.. but i think that its finally good..welll its at least getting better rite??? i still ahve to fix some of the stuff.. but its getting there..

today was alrite.. had only 2 periods.. bio and eng... it was always.. the best thing today was uh the slave auction.. man.. it was funny to watch and wut not.. but parts of it were just ridiculous... hello?? Lang for $200 bucks??? Moorlag for $200 bucks??? what a waste of money..

anyhow.. i had dinner byself today.. all by myself.. the 'rents' ditched me to go have dinner at frankie tomatos.. tomatoe, tomato... wutever... i luv that place and they neglected to bring me alone.. ugh.. ended up eating all by myself.. anyhow..

i didn't do as good as expected on my isu. i'm glad i didn't fail or anything.. but i wish i had done better.

wut else... uh... finally got the anglo horn.. hehe.. i can play it for the som.. woo hoo.. i luv the sound of the english horn..

really short on words today.. so yeah.. thats it for today..
chilz lates

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