February 10, 2003

monday... woke up late for skewl this morning.. wasn't feelin too good.. oh well.. i'm stuck at skewl today till 6:30 for sound of music.. oh.. hamburger was so mean on saturday;.... he picked on poor lil lena..she almost cried.. i felt so sorrie for her.. i mean she's a kid...and he was picking on everybody too.. so mean.. and ugh the "pro's" are coming in today... and if they bitch like hamburger did.. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh well.. uh.. in writers craft class now.. have to write some stupid paper on attracting the opposite sex.. everybody knows i sux at that.. oh cuz i'm just so gorgeous aint i??? haha...


i have so much shit to do for this weekend u won't belive.. see yesterday's lil blog...

one thing that i need to figure out.. i have to find out more html codes.. so i can upload images and stuff.. but i dun know how to do that.. and the stupid tutorial doesn't help... theres this really hot orland pic that i want everybody to see.. and i have pics of my hunni that ppl should see to.. my many hunni's actually..

1) JJ ... luv ya so much
2) Jay Chou
3) Edison
4) Shawn
5) Orlando

i wanna get this really cool rose background up too... and pics of ppl from everywhere... camill and janice out in the "604", cds'ers... mcbc'ers, my hot buds in the loo region, the "613" and the damn ass bois in Rye.... haha.. so hot.. u can't believe.. anyhow

have to work on this damn writers craft paper on how to attract the opposite sex.. hehe...


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