September 23, 2003

so life is finally starting to be hectic.. with tests and work... and reading.. a chapter a week.. for music therapy and pysc... gonna go crazie... he..

but uh.. i went home on the weekend.. it was interesting.. to see how things had changed in the last 3 weeks.. kinda felt out of place.. tho.. kind like.. everything was happening.. and i was just looking from the position of a bystander.. plus nobody went home.. sammi and jo were originally gonna go.. but no.. they all decided to ditch me.. they sux.. ha

jks... yea.. i went back and cut my hair is quite short now.. ah yeah... i miss my hair already.. i've never had my hair that long for such a long time tho... it was getting kinda shabby..a nd plus.. one disadv. of working at wonderland.. for games.. u stand in the sun for 8 hours a day.. the sun shining on ur hair.. my hair was so sun bleached. my ends of the tips were honest to god... yellow... disgusting...

returned to life at windsor.. gonna be here till thanksgiving.. really looking forward to thanksgiving... cuz everyone is gonna be back.. everyone.. even jer... so we're all gonna get together.. that should be loads of fun

have class. latz