April 28, 2006

1692 days ago..

a tragedy struck the world. a tragedy that to this day still affects living beings in this world
what tragedy you ask ? that would be sept 11, 2001. i'm pretty sure i need not remind anybody what happened on that day..

1692 days later.. i found myself sitting in a movie theatre with a friend of mine watching the highly controversial "united 93"

the movie was nauseating.. physically, mentionally and somewhat spiritually..

first: the cinematography of the movie was very dizzy.. thats the only way i can think of putting it.. tho.. i do hafto say it totally made sense with the movie

secondly: the event itself. to this day i can't totally understand the full context of the incident.. what triggered it? is there really a conspiracy into this incident?? can we really just use this tragedy to justify all the other issues it brings up?

thirdly: the visuals.. the utter truth of the story and how it happened.. made me really be thankful for how lucky i am.. lucky that i've never been subjected to this type of extremity, how fortunate i am to not lost anybody in the tragedy.. just fortunate in general

fourthly: the people on that plane.. i found myself realizing.. if i was on that plane.. i prolly wouldn't have done anything. i don't think i could have gotten the courage to fight back like they did.. and i guess that thought of myself as somewhat of a coward scares me.. people say that in special events like that, people do extraordinary things.. adrenaline rush.. whatever u wish to think of it as.. those people definetly rose to the occasion and did their utter best.. in the end.. they lost their lives.. but they did it for a greater cause. they saved other ppl's lives.. and they showed us that if we fight back against those who do us wrong, we can win. if we just try.

i remember being at school that day, and at first, everybody thought it was some sort of a joke.. some ppl even were saying that the French bombed the States.. i don't really know why.. but it wasn't really till after noon that the seriousness of the incident finally kicked in.. and having gone to a private skewl, where kids' parents work all over the world, including NYC and Washinton, i distinctly remember kids lining up at the pay phone and using their cell phones to call family and friends.

and in the weeks and months that followed. i noticed that people started being with family and attending religious ceremonies more, all because they were afraid.. of losing family.. dying.. amongst many things.

but now, 1692 days later, where have all those people gone? i no longer see the majority of them at any religous ceremonies, i no longer hear of the urge and need to be with your family. in fact 5 years later, i've heard less.

on a different issue.. i think the tragedy has only made some ppl worse in nature. more discrimination, very prejudice.

not to say that these people weren't that way beforehand, but its become so more common and more every-day occurences..

many times that i have travelled across the border, or left the country, i have witnessed such incidents. many times while travelling on a bus, on a plane, just walking around, i have witnessed such incidents.

y must we as the human race think badly of others? are we not all the same? we all came from the same place, born of mothers and fathers, siblings to brothers and sisters?? whats makes us feel that we're better than others? whats makes them less worthy than we?

y must we assume because one was wrong, and commiteed a bad deed, that all are wrong and will/have committed bad deeds?

if your father was a thief, does that mean you are?
if your mother was a prostitute, does that mean you are?

of course not, we make all our own decisions, and we are all unique. we all do things different.

so y is that we think that if it was a group of middle-eastern people who hijacked planes and crashed into the World Trade Centre, that all will.

what gives us the right to search them and question them at the airports, and not others?
are we not just as likely to commit crimes?

the last time i checked, there was not engraving of the word terrorist on their foreheads.. never has and most never will. you can never judge somebody by how they look.

in the end... all i have to say is this.. watching the movie .. for me was a good experience.. it brought back many issues that i have long forgotten about.. things that should be an issue for me, and for everybody else..

i, myself, am guilty of discrimination.
using racial slang, racial discrimination, racial profiling..

its something that i didn't think i did.. but i realize i do.. and i'm ashamed of myself for doing so..
but the most important thing is.. learn from our mistakes.. and change for the better..

if anything we must learn from all of this..

i don't even really know if any of this is making sense to myself, let alone anybody else..
i guess i just needed to get it off my chest

so plz. if the next time you see me or talk to me, and you hear me say something that i should not, do remind me..

sindy out

April 24, 2006

Note to self:
Stop buying stuff!!! YOU HAVE TOO MUCH CRAP ALREADY!!!

so i'm sitting here in my room. attempting to figure out how exactly i'm gonna pack everything to go home.. 'rents are coming in on the sunday to help me move everything home..

and the last two days.. i've started to pack a lil and i'm not even close to finishing.. and i realize.. i have way too much stuff.

case in point:

i already have numerous boxes filled w/stuff.. but i still have a whole bookcase of cd's and books and binders yet to pack

my comp, my printer, my monitor, my humidifier, keyboard yet not packed.. and all the crap on my desk

the stuff i have packed already.. 2 boxes.. 3 small suitcases and one big suitcase.not even close

2 drawers still with crap inside.. plus shoes..

and did i mention that i still have crap in the kitchen tOO?? all my kitchen supplies have yet to be touched.. man i sux!

i have too much crap.. and i only have 6 days to pack it all.. and i'm working monday-thursday too :( boo..

so we all know what sindy's gonna be doing this week..

being a loser at home.. and packing