October 01, 2005

You Are Likely a Third Born

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.
At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.
When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.

In friendship, you are loyal to one person.
Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.
You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration.

how true is that??

September 27, 2005

You Are 50% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Happy Go Lucky Viking.

Where You Lived: Peru.

How You Died: The Plague.

this is wut u do when ur incredibly bored.. and sick at home

September 26, 2005

so i've been awake for a really long time.. over 12 hours.. since 3pm sunday.. i think my sleeping pattern is wacked yet again..

haha.. my room was boiling today too.. might be a factor..

so i basically ended up watching tv shows for like 6 hours.. very sad yes i kno..
and bored.. so took some pics of my room
i was gonna post them up.. but for some stupid reason.. the blogger site wont let me upload them. it says they're done but they're not there.. urgh so mad..

oh wel.. gotta go to class soon :p
then come home take a 3 hour nap.. another class.. and probably gonna end up sleeping all day .. waking up at like 9 or 10 or something.. and then not go to sleep again.. i'm so bad at this