October 19, 2009


not that this ever does anything.. but i like making a list..
so here it is..

things i would luv to have :) :)
1. Friends Seasons 3-7 ( wohoo.. i have season 8,9,10 now.. sweet deal @ walmart)
2. Family Guy VOL 2, 5-7 (got vol 3& 4..again a sweat deal @ walmart)
3. NIKON D60 W/18-55 VR & 55-200 NON VR (ordered!!! coming in the mail!!)
4. Coach Parker Hobo
5. Coach Poppy Tartan Large Wristlet
6. Coach Madison/Poppy Wristlet
7. Coach multi-stars spinner keychain
8. TNA hoodie (haha. i limit myself to only one each winter.. otherwise i'd go overboard)
10. Remix Lulu Hoodie in BLACK/POTION PURPLE
11. SIGG bottle in Kaleidoscope (my mommi found my old bottle and brought it up to tbay for me :)
12. COLUMBIA Paris Jacket (got the Roxy Insulated Jet 5K jacket.. $30 bucks off @ west 49..)

i heart having bday $.. got to cross a couple of things off my list.. :) :)

August 23, 2009

i'm excited!!!

i have an exciting couple of weeks coming up :) :)

i'm going home in a little under 10days.. but before then..
monday: work & doing some recording for my work.. then out to dinner w/the co-workers
tuesday: shopping & going to the peak... hanging out with wynne
wednesday: half day of work.. then goign to my gramps to make him a hearty steak dinner
thurday: lunch date w/my aunt @ bo innovation ( 2 star michelin fusion restaurant in hk) SOOOOO looking forward to that. and then KHALIL FONG concert baby!!!!
friday: work. going out to lkf for the last time this summer...
saturday: work. cousin's date night.. out for dinner and to sing k with my beloved cousins
sunday: going to cheung chau
monday: last minute shopping.. possibly a food trip.. havent decided yet.
tuesday: packing packing and more packing.
wed: I"M COMING HOME!!!!!

then i'm home in TO for a couple of days..
which consists mainly of packing the house up, meeting up with friends.. and dinner @ O.NOIR!! toronto's first all dark restaurant.. sweet!!!

then sept 8th. back up to tbay.. chilling & job searching and school for a week.. just get re-settled i guess

sept 15th.. night flight back to T.O.
sept 16th..get to have a whole day with D :) :)
sept 17th. morning flight out to NYC :) :) walk/shop/eat NYC style
sept 18th. more walking/shopping/eating
sept 19th. cousin's wedding and reception :P gonna be so much fun
sept 20th. more walk/shop/eat NYC style.. and family dinner in nyc
sept 21th. morning flight back to tbay..

lots of stuff planned.. i'm excited...

my only dilemna now is, should i save up my $ from working this summer for:

1) Nikon D60 DSLR


2) spending $ in NYC and what not

hmmm.. what to do??

August 12, 2009

Despite my better judgement...

i chose to go back to hong kong and work at my old work place from a couple years back. i was promised a better work environment, better work hours... and innocently, i believed....

despite signing a contract to only work 30 hrs a week, i constantly find myself working over 35 hrs a week with no overtime..

office politics suck.. favouritism sucks. working long hours suck. picky parents suck. no overtime sucks. being stressed 24/7 sucks. being sick on my days off sucks..

i haven't been able to do anything this summer cuz every day i have off, i find myself spending it at home resting and sleeping. frig.

don't get me wrong. there are good things about my job. i have some wicked co-workers.. and i luv my kids..

but... i want to go home. i want to see my friends again. i want to actually start school again. and MOST of all.. I WANT TO GO TO NYC!!!

22 more days.. and i'll be home.. the days need to pass by faster

April 21, 2009

its been a month since my last post.. and so much has happened in a month.. some good.. some bad... i've learned a good amount about myself in the last month.

i've learned that:
- if i put my heart into it, i can actually do well in things i thought i couldn't
- i fall in love too easily.. and at the same time, i fall out of love too easily
- i'm not ready for the complications of love
- i'm not as grown up as i thought. despite my age

on a less serious note. i've learned that:
- tbay isnt that bad of a uni town
- despite the bad hours and not so great pay. working at east sides is great. im actually really enjoying it. so much that i'm gonna return there in september :)
- i'm starting to like tbay despite all the odds

in the last month i've come to some realizations:
- i'm not ready for a complicated relationship. im not sure i'm even ready for any relationship at this time. i thought i was but the truth is, life is complicated enough with just me. i don't think i can deal with more than just me right now. let alone another person and the baggages that come with.
- i'm glad i made the decision to come here. i'm liking all the ppl ive met. i'm actually looking forward to coming back
- i'm not as ready to move back to hk as i thought. dont get me wrong. i'm still gonna move back. it just might be a harder move than i thought. im not ready to miss out all life in canada. im not ready to miss out on the lives of all my friends. i don't wanna lose them. i don't wanna lose friendships. i dont wanna lose out.

i've had a lot of free time to contemplate lately hence all the sudden thoughts..i'm done exams. i'm done work. i'm heading home to toronto in like 25 hrs. starting my summer school courses in like 2 weeks.. then off to hk in 3 weeks. miri malaysi in 4 weeks.. which i'm super excited for. and then starting my teaching job in like june. this summer will be harder and longer than all the past. i've never done summer school. period. never ever. not even in high school. i'm not sure what to expect. and not sure how to deal with having to work 5 - 6 days a week.. and taking 3 summer courses on top of that. oh well. i guess its time to finally put the whole time managment stuff into use

March 20, 2009

slowly but surely counting down... oh i wish i could just hurry up and be done with all the school and work.. so i can hop on a plane and be in toronto.. hop on a plane and be back in hk with the fam and friends.. hop on a plane and be suntanning/diving/relaxing in malaysia

counting down. the days need to come quicker

10 more days till my last assignment is due
27 days till last day of work @ ESM
28 days till first day of exams
31 days till done ALL exams
32 days till i fly back to toronto
60 days till i fly back to hong kong
67 days till i fly to miri malaysia
72 days till i'm back in hk for the summer

its hard to concentrate on life when i'm sick, when i'm tired. when im just blah. after a certain amt of work and school, life just gets very predictable and annoying. don't get me wrong. life is good. i'm ok with how things are now, but its still very blah.

its good to just have something exciting and fun to look forward. and for me, it's definetly a 5 day trip to malaysia with my sister, and being back in hk for the summer with the fam and just getting to teach in hk again. i'm very excited for it.

67 days is too far away.. oh i wish it could come sooner.. please please please. i don't think i can stay sane for that long

February 16, 2009

its good to just be home. altho i'm not gonna be home for too long but its a much needed break from work and school.

i just got in this morning at 8am. ended up having breakie and running errands with my dad till about noon. then went shopping with jo till 5. jap food @ gal with tiff, jo, and jess. then went to watch "confessions of a shopaholic" and chinese dessert.. mmmm how i missed good asian food.

monday: lunch with sam. then possibly hanging out and dinner with dez/krystle
tuesday: possibly going out for a good meatey steak dinner DT with hsieh.
wednesday: eye doc appt..dinner DT with wynne.. and TSO concert afterwards
thursday: gotta clean and sort the crap in my room.. and hopefully an appt with my aunt. definetely am in need of a good chiro adjustment.
friday: 5pm flight to montreal to hang out with my beloved rachel :) and i'm there for the saturday, sunday, and monday
monday 23rd: in montreal till about 7pm.. then flight back to toronto en route to tbay.

and that will be the end of my reading week.. short but sweet hopefully...

then unfortanetly, back to the business of school and work.
more quizzes, book reviews, papers, group assignments, tutorials, then juries and exams. along with working 4-5 shifts a week @ east sides, plus my weekly shift for the city.

busy busy busy. at least i'll have $ for the summer.. i'm so excited for the summer.. i wish it would just hurry up and come. dont have too much planned for the summer yet, but i'm sure it'll be good.

flying back to hk may 20th. and then off to mari, malaysia for some beach fun with my sister. then maybe planning a china weekend trip with my grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousins. along with working in hk somewhere. and junk boat trips, random macau/china trips, shopping, and just getting to be in hk with family and friends :)
should be good.

really oughta head to bed. i've been awake since Saturday 2pm with only 1hr of sleep on the flight since. thats a good 36 hrs awake.. mmm.. 9hrs of continous sleep sounds soo good right now.

nite nite

February 05, 2009


it makes me wonder.. did ppl's parents never teach them to be respectful? did ppl's parents never teach them to be polite? did ppl's parents never teach them not to lie? did they not teach them not to steal?


geez.. seriously.. who dines and dashes anymore??

twice in a week i've seen it..

first on saturday:
these two ppl came in around 1030.. it was ufc fight night, so we were really busy.. they came in. they reaked of pot.. anyhow.. came in. ordered some food.. while waiting for their food.. the two of them were like sleeping in the booths.. completely stoned.. and after they were done.. they walked out.. i noticed that there wasnt a billfold on the table so i went and got their server and manager.. and they went out and chased them down.. got to them. the server asks them. did you guys pay? the guy responds, uh no. wth??? finally after some yelling by my manager and the server.. they're escorted back in, pay their bill and then we escort out.

last nite:
a well dressed, somewhat polite couple come in. ask for a booth. so we get it for them. they order like 6 stella's and pasta. and before we know it, they've ran out the door. didn't even finish their food. their server chases out after them. they speed away in their car, almost running over the server along the way.

like seriously??? whats wrong with ppl nowadays.. what is going through your mind to allow you to think that its possibly ok to not pay for your bill and just leave??

uh hello? its called stealing..

January 29, 2009

omg. i am such an idiot its unbelievable...

my finger went a little trigger happy while checking my school gmail acct today.. and before i know it, i've deleted every email... crap!

i needed those emails too.. there were emails about my possible hk jobs this summer... and now i don't know which places actually replied back to me.. and asked me to contact them when i was in hk.. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT

i can't just go re-emailing everybody now.. crap crap crap..

January 22, 2009

tho not 100% confirmed.. but in my mind i think i've decided. 2010 academic year will be my last in canada. irregardless of the outcome that maybe, the choice is final. i wont be staying here.

as much as i love canada, i just dont see myself living here anymore. from the very first summer i went back to hk, i kinda knew that canada wasnt really the place for me anymore. perhaps it was because i enjoyed working in hong kong, or perhaps it was being able to spend more time with my family, i don't really know the exact trigger but i know its what i need to do. there are so many things with this that are unclear, and undetermined. i have 2 years to figure it out. i do have an idea of what i want.

for me, i think this has been the most determinative decision i've made in years. throughout my life, i've made so many decisions that i've either regreted or change becuase i no longer felt the decision was right. but eventually moving back to hk was something i'd thought about for a number of years. i wasn't sure when exactly i'd move.. or why i'd eventually choose to move back.. but moving back was something i had to do.

2 years seems like such a long time.. yet from another point of view.. an incredibly short amt of time too. there's lots that needs to be done between now and then. i know the next 2 years wont be an easy 2 years for me. but i'll get through it. i'll finish what i need to . and thats all that matter.